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정신분석 클리닉
Psychoanalysis Clinic
"No doubt fate would find it easier than I do to relieve you of your illness. But you will be able to convince yourself that much will be gained if we succeed in transforming your hysterical misery into common unhappiness. With a mental life that has been restored to health you will be better armed against that unhappiness."
Sigmund Freud
서울특별시 서초구 강남대로 455
강남태영데시앙루브 3층 308호
( 신논현역 9호선 8번, 신분당선 7번,
2호선 강남역 10번 출구 )
월 - 금 11 : 00 ~ 20 : 00
점심시간 13 : 30 ~ 14 : 30
토, 일, 공휴일 휴진
1월 27일 (월) 휴진입니다.
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